“When the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. ”
Why a Presentation?
Although a Presentation is not a sacrament and it is neither commanded nor forbidden in Scripture, many have the tradition of presenting their child to the Lord on or around their third birthday.
During a Presentation service, we are reminded how each child is born sinful with a need for forgiveness. We also give thanks to God for his grace, love, and forgiveness given to the child in their Baptism. Parents and Godparents renew their Baptismal promises to God to raise up the child in the fear and instruction of the Lord.
Presentations at St. Peter
As Presentations are not commanded in Scripture, in order to preserve our Pastor’s time for other areas of ministry, presentations are primarily reserved for those who are members of the congregation.
For those interested in having a Presentation at St. Peter for your child, please fill out the registration form below.
Pastor Dunn will meet with the family at least one time to discuss the meaning of a presentation and the presentation service itself.