Our Identity
“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overpower it.”
“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overpower it.”
St. Peter Lutheran Church has served the multi-ethnic Walker’s Point and Walker’s Square neighborhoods on Milwaukee’s south side for over 160 years. Originally founded by German immigrants who worshiped in German, we now share God's Word every weekend in English, Spanish, and Karen.
Jesus commanded his disciples to “go” and “make” more disciples. As the church, we have been given the Gospel, the Good News of salvation in Jesus and we aim to share it with our community. That is why we aim to be in our community and a part of our community. “We love because he first loved us.” We show and share Christ’s love with others as good neighbros, that they might know him too.
As a confessional Lutheran church in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, we are unapologetically Lutheran. We subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions and uphold the pillars of the Lutheran Reformation. We do this because they faithfully reflect the Word of God. Our Lutheran heritage is a blessing that is vital to share with world that so critically needs it.
We are saved by Grace alone, God’s undeserved love for us. God loved us so much that he sent his one and only Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
We are saved through Faith alone. How are we connected to the saving work that Jesus did for us? By faith! We trust in Jesus who died for us and was raised again.
Where do we find the true Word of God? In Scripture alone. The only source of doctrine is the Bible, enlightening us with what we need to know: the Law & the Gospel.
There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved. Christ alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
Why are we here? What is our purpose? That in everything we say and do, big or small, we shine with Christ’s love to the Glory of God alone!
Founded on February 14, 1860, by members of Grace Lutheran Church and St. John’s on the Hillside, St. Peter is one of the oldest Lutheran congregations in Milwaukee. It is nearly as old as Milwaukee and as well as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod of which it is still a member.
1962 The Beginning of Eleven Years of Trouble at St. Peter’s
The One Sure Foundation for the Nations The Beginning of Hispanic Outreach on Milwaukee’s South Side
Southside Ministry: Spanish Outreach in St. Peter Lutheran Church, Milwaukee
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 1960-2010: Fifty Years under God’s Protection